NRL is a world leader in the science of quality for infectious disease testing

Our Mission:

NRL’s mission is to promote the quality of tests and testing for infectious diseases globally.

NRL is a not-profit scientific organisation that exists for the benefit of the public. Our goal is to support laboratories and point-of-care sites, in Australia and internationally, that perform testing for the diagnosis and management of infectious diseases. We provide consultation and advice on policy related to laboratory testing and services that enhance the quality of testing.

Our Aim:

As an internationally recognised centre for quality, NRL utilises a “Science of Quality’ approach by incorporating its scientific expertise within quality-focused initiatives.

We provide:

  • QConnect: QC products, data management, analysis and support

  • EQAS: Proficiency panels that include peer assessment, comparison and reports

  • Training:  Sustainable education to support the quality of infectious disease testing

  • Testing: TGA licensed screening of blood and tissue donors, reference testing; and contract testing for projects

  • Evaluations: Independent assessment of IVDs and provision of customised sample panels

  • Events: National and international educational forums for medical scientific and laboratory personnel